Join the more than 500,000 readers in hundreds of hospitals and health systems that shared this book with their teams

“The Florence Prescription: From Accountability to Ownership is a must-read for every leader in healthcare. I stumbled across the book when I got my first executive leadership role and it was a catalyst for an organizational transformation that exceeded my wildest expectations. In The Florence Prescription, Joe Tye provides real-world, practical advice that every team member can employ to ditch wasted time and energy and take ownership of their work. I have read many leadership books, and The Florence Prescription is among my most recommended to leaders looking to make positive change!”
Jamie Wiggins, PhD, MBA, RN, FACHE
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Arkansas Children's

“Several recent studies reveal culture's direct impact on employees and organizations, for better and worse. That’s why all healthcare leaders need to read Joe Tye’s book The Florence Prescription and follow his recommendations. In this book, they will learn a blueprint for how cultivate a culture of ownership based on an established set of values. We know this blueprint works because Florence followed it more than 150 years ago! Trust me, follow Joe’s recommendations and you will be on your way to positive and healthy culture.”
Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, FAAN
CEO & Founder at Healthy Workforce Institute

“A healthy culture begins with healthy people. The tools in this book, including The Pickle Pledge and The Self Empowerment Pledge, will help your organization build a more positive culture of ownership by helping your team be healthier and stronger themselves.”
Katie Boston-Leary, PhD, MBA, MHA, RN, NEA-BC, CCTP
Director of Nursing Programs, Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation, American Nurses Association

“Take the time to read The Florence Prescription as a team to begin to understand the need for new thinking, new seeing, and new actions. Let 2023 be the year of change through the culture of ownership Joe Tye so eloquently describes in this amazing book.”
Candace S. Smith, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, VP, Operations & Chief Nurse Executive
Cape Coral Hospital

“The Florence Prescription: From Accountability to Ownership is a must-read for all nurses and especially nurse leaders. Given the current environment of our profession, nurses don’t want to be micromanaged, they want to be involved in any change and this book gives great advice for getting staff empowered and engaged in shaping the work environment which aligns with shared governance. In chapter two on ‘Invisible Architecture’ I was struck by a comment in the book that says, ‘Whether or not a hospital is patient-centered has little to do with the design of the buildings and everything to do with the invisible architecture of what is inside.’”
Nancy Blake, Chief Nursing Officer, LAC+USC Medical Center

“Asking every team member to read The Florence Prescription was the initial catalyst for our culture of ownership journey at Midland Health.”
Dr. Kit Bredimus, CNO and VP Nursing
Midland Memorial Hospital

“WWFD? What would Florence do today managing the mental health crisis? The Florence Prescription offers inspiration from cover-to-cover for those serving in healthcare to help make change happen. From changing ourselves to changing culture to changing the way we deliver on care and experiences for those we serve.”
Bob Dent, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, CENP, FACHE, FAAN, FAONL, Vice President, Patient Care Services & Chief Nursing Officer
Emory Decatur Hospital | Emory Long Term Acute Care Hospital

“The Florence Prescription is a favorite of mine since the original in 2010. I give it to all my new nurse residents with a bookmark with a quote. You will laugh, cry, and realize the importance of the work we do and how to align our commitments. I just recently gave it to my VP of Patient Experience who is not a nurse and she loved it. I am well known for saying ‘Proceed Until Apprehended’ and ‘give no excuse and take no excuse’ when it comes to patient care. These themes resonate throughout this book.”
Jane McCurley, NP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, CENP, FACHE Chief Nurse Executive
Methodist Healthcare System San Antonio, Texas

“The Florence Prescription is a must-read for all nurse leaders! ‘Proceed Until Apprehended!’ – three words that capture the ownership philosophy of The Florence Prescription – is one of my favorite mantras, an imperative to get things done and living the value of owning our work. Every chapter is about building a culture of ownership, the incredibly better alternative to ‘holding people accountable.’ There is a new chapter in this edition on emotional safety (right brain/individual feeling) which included an interesting comparison to psychological safety (left brain/organizational culture).”
Rosanne Raso, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, FAONL, VP & Chief Nursing Officer
NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center Editor-in-Chief, Nursing Management
Dedicated to DAISY
No nurse was ever honored with a DAISY Award by being held accountable. The Florence Prescription is dedicated to Mark and Bonnie Barnes, cofounders of The DAISY Foundation, who have done so much to promote cultures of ownership in healthcare organizations around the world.