The Florence Challenge, and The Florence Prescription: From Accountability to Ownership, will help you foster an organizational culture that is more Emotionally Positive, Self Empowered, and Fully Engaged. The resources on this page will help you make sure that it’s more than just a book or a program, but rather that it sparks a movement to recommit to the Spirit of Florence in your organization.

Florence Nightingale’s Lasting Legacy for Healthcare

Florence’s Legacy – Afterword of The Florence Prescription


Florence Highlights

This 6 page PDF document contains the highlights from The Florence Prescription book.


Study Guide for The Florence Prescription

This 146-slide PowerPoint presentation is ideal for sparking a dialog about how the principles described in The Florence Prescription can be applied to your organization. It is useful for management meetings, books clubs and lunch-and-learn sessions, and other formats. These slides can be downloaded and customized for your organization.


Downloadable Certificate of Commitment

Asking people for a visible public commitment to embrace The Florence Challenge is one of the most powerful ways of assuring a sustained impact. Download and print this certificate then ask your people to each sign one and post them in a public place as an ongoing reminder of your collective commitment to a work unit that is emotionally positive, self empowered, and fully engaged.


Examples of Executive Team Forewords for The Florence Prescription


The Memories of the Future Guidebook

Define your future by your dreams and not by your memories, by your hopes and not by your fears.


How do you get everyone to be on the same culture page?


PledgePartner Agreement


Twenty Ways That Complaining Diminishes Your Life



Why Nurses Week is Always Celebrated in May



AONL Letter


Downloadable Posters, Buttons, and Documents

You can download a growing array of posters and documents to help you optimize The Florence Challenge including: